Book Cover of The Lazarus Vendetta

The Lazarus Vendetta

Book Number 5 in the Covert-One Series.

In the increasingly turbulent atmosphere of international politics, the once grassroots anti-globalisation movement has been slowly absorbed and taken over by the underground radical anti-technology group fronted by a mysterious figure known only as Lazarus. All attempts to infiltrate the group have failed and the intelligence agents involved have all disappeared without a trace. Now a sudden surge in the ‘deep chatter’ detected by US intelligence leads everyone to believe one thing – Lazarus is preparing to make his boldest move yet.

With Lazarus increasingly bringing deadly pressure to bear against the leading research facilities focusing on nano-technology, Lt. Col. Jon Smith – publicly a researcher for USAMRIID – is activated by Covert-One to bring his skills to bear in uncovering the truth behind the terrorists. With his friend and cohort CIA agent Randi Russell missing in the field, Jon must recruit former MI6 agent Peter Howell and computer whiz Marty Zellerbach, to help find and uncover the truth about the mysterious figure known as Lazarus.

First Published: 2004

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