Paul Jansen

Paul Janson is a freelance agent.

For many years, enough to have earned himself an incredible reputation as a man who got the job done as well as one that should not be messed with, Janson was an operative with the State Department’s Consular Operations, a division designed to be brought in when diplomacy is not getting the job done. The agents for this group know that the powers that be in their chain of command do not like to admit that talking did not work so the quicker and surer this department gets the job done, the better. Janson was very good at getting the job done, especially when that job meant killing.

Before his days as an agent, he had served with the Seals. This was during the Vietnam War and this branch of the military was looking for the very best they could find. Janson fit that perfectly. One of his instructors, a highly decorated warrior named Demarest, was looking for those even better and he selected several to go through training even more rigorous as that of normal Seal training, if such a thing was possible. As the few thus picked endured the instructions, they got harder still, forcing the men to drop one by one until just one remained, Janson.